Functionality and energy sustainability for the extension of the Associati'67 headquarters
Associati'67 is a team of accountants, auditors, labour consultants, lawyers and professionals specialising in other sectors with offices in Lombardy and Trentino Alto-Adige. A complete INNOVA system was chosen for the recent renovation and extension of the Darzo (TN) office.
The project, based on the principles of functionality and energy sustainability, was carried out with the aim of solving critical issues using an integrated approach between architecture, structures and systems. In just a few months, the original building was radically transformed, enlarged, modernised and equipped with a new heating and cooling plant consisting of three INNOVA Water Compact 15M heat pumps sized for the total demand. These are water cooled, high performance, compact and lightweight machines with cascade installation. Starting from the main collectors, the floor branches reach the 5 local collectors and then the 44 INNOVA fancoil (AirLeaf RS and Filomuro) installed in the various rooms. Some rooms are also served by a VMC system.
The system management functions are set locally by means of a wall mounted electronic control panel and by means of the INNOVA Butler Web Server for local and remote centralized management.