Mostra Convegno Expocomfort!
Once again this year, great satisfaction for INNOVA at the Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE) held from March 12 to 15, 2024 at FieraMilano.
MCE is the global business platform where companies in the HVAC+R, renewable energy, energy efficiency and water worlds meet new customers and strengthen relationships with those who design, install and manufacture comfort systems and equipment in industrial, residential and commercial settings.
MCE is evolution for innovation, challenge toward environmental, economic and social efficiency and sustainability.
During the fair INNOVA presented some new products:
- WLHP (Water Loop Heat Pump) - The new range of compact and efficient water/air heat pump terminals to be installed in any room as a replacement for radiators;
- FÄRNA - The fancoil with big power in a small space;
- >OSMO< -The even smaller, even thinner fancoil range;
- OKKI - The split heat pump for large rooms;
- DUCTO MULTI THIN - The multifunctional and multi-zone ducted fancoil lowered;
- ..2.0 Ceiling - The air/air conditioner for horizontal ceiling installation, without outdoor unit;
- ..2.0 Axial - The air/air conditioner for wall installation, without outdoor unit;
- Monoblocco - The air/water monoblock heat pump Dc Inverter;
- HRA-I PLUS VERTICALE - The compact heat pump aggregate for summer and winter air conditioning of passive houses and ZEBs.
“MCE EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2024" were awarded during the fair, where the WLPH - Water Loop Heat Pump- won the Special Mention of the Technical Jury of MCE Excellence Awards 2024 with the following motivation: "WLHP technology provides for the use of plant piping that already exists, avoiding invasive interventions and allowing housing continuity during the execution of works. An innovative technological support that can also be used for the energy transition of existing buildings."
For INNOVA, participating in MCE was an opportunity to meet, exchange and learn. We take this opportunity to thank the organization and all the people who showed their interest in our products.